Saturday, September 22, 2012

22 September - Fine Thread Noodles with Satay Soup and Runny Egg

Now I'm not really sure how to describe these "fine thread noodles" but taste great and I'm surprised I haven't made this a regular thing over the past year of living here.... It's completely different to any noodles that you have ever come across!

Just too much food to choose from and not enough tummy space I s'pose.

Anyways, tonight's menu is a dinner para uno. Not as tragic as it sounds, got heaps done in my alone time and savoured the peace and quiet (not that the girls are loud and noisy... )

So I decided to make this find thread noodles with a satay soup and a runny boiled egg... but unfortunately, in my haste, I broke the egg and let the yolk run all over the place before I could take a photo, so oh wells...

But check out how beautiful and runny the egg was, and wonderfully creamy the yolk had made my satay-ish broth

So the embellishment of this 10min cooked dinner was an egg (of course), a handful of baby king oyster mushrooms, some pickles, parsley and another dollop of satay (home made by someone else) for good measure

ahhh.... comfort food at its best!

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